As we come back from Spring Break, it’s a great reminder that Teacher’s Appreciation Week is coming up soon! And if you’re like me who’d take every chance to thank the teachers for all they do for our kids, this week is something to prepare for. And if you’re clueless, here are the Top 10 Teacher Appreciation Ideas that teachers will definitely love.
Table of Contents
- Teacher Appreciation Ideas
When is Teacher’s Appreciation Week?
Teacher’s Appreciation Week is celebrated during the first full week of May each year. In 2021, it’s May 3-7.
When Is Teacher Appreciation Day?
This is also called National Teacher Day, and it falls on the Tuesday of Teacher Appreciation Week — May 4, 2021.
Teachers are often looked at as the unsung superheroes of the community. They are the one who shape our futures and what’s a better way to recognize them than make them feel special during Teacher’s Appreciation Week.
My mom was a teacher. And so was my grandma. I remember helping my mom check her students’ test papers and prepare her manila papers for discussions. And from then on, I knew that being a teacher is not easy. It’s not just a career. It takes dedication, hard work, and having that sense of fulfilment.
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And now that I have my own school kid, I now appreciate the teachers more than ever!
But how to show gratitude?
Teacher Appreciation Ideas
Gifts for The Teachers for Teacher’s Appreciation Week:
1. Personalized Gifts
Nothing screams appreciation than personalized gifts. It is a sure way to say that you put in effort and you took time to know your child’s teachers more. Both Minted and Shutterfly are amazing resources for these.

2. Gift Cards for Teacher Appreciation Ideas
Teachers are adults like us who know what they want. And giving them the chance to pick their favorite coffee,supplies, or scents make things a lot easier not only for us but more so for them.
But which one, right? This, I tell you, you can never go wrong with Amazon (especially these times!) or Target or Walmart. But if you want to put in more effort, get them a gift card from their favorite coffee shop or restaurant or things they truly enjoy.
Here’s a cute printable Target Gift Card Holder from
Here’s a cute printable Amazon Gift Card Holder from
However, if you’re limited to sending it virtually (because we’re still in Distance Learning), sending an e-gift card is the same way for Teacher Appreciation Ideas. You just need their email address or phone number so they can claim it.
3. Gift Basket or Gift Box
Curate a gift basket with all of her favorites or things the teachers will surely use. Here are some stuffers you can put in the basket. Amazing Teacher Appreciation Ideas!
4. Gift Voucher
Just like gift cards, gift vouchers are amazing ways to spoil and show your appreciation to the teachers. Try getting a voucher from a local, well-respected nail salon, hair salon (barber shop), or massage spa. A pamper day is all they need after all the hard work and stress they endure every day. In my area, Massage Envy is a favorite!
5. Classroom Supplies
I have never met a teacher who doesn’t spend for her class out of her own pocket. It’s no secret that schools have limited budget and during these uncharted times, supplies make gifts! And these gifts are for sure going towards the class. Teachers send the school supplies list at the beginning of the school year, but can you imagine how many markers, reams of paper, and ink the teachers have to use every single day?
Here are the top classroom supplies you can gift the teachers:
- Copy paper
- Sharpies
- Whiteboard or Dry-Erase Markers
- Pencils and/or Pens
- Glue
- Colored Paper
- Stapler
- Sticky Post-It Notes
- Scotch Tape
- Folders
- Notebooks
- Sanitizing Wipes
- Binder Clips
- Desk Organizer
- Hand Wipes
Additional Supplies for Virtual Learning:
6. Books, Books, and Books!
There can never be enough books for teachers. And gifting them books from their favorite authors or books they can use in the class is always a win!
7. Sponsorship or Donation to a Cause They Support
Showing support by supporting what they support (might be a lil confusing, you can read that again) is an exceptional way to show that you truly care about them.
Some charity ideas can be found here.
“A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.”
Henry Brooks Adams
You might say, all of the above needs to be bought. What if I don’t have a budget? No worries! We got you! And I want you to know that some of the best gifts don’t cost anything. And some of the best presents you can give someone don’t have to be expensive!
8. Your Time
They say time is the most expensive thing you can give someone. And it’s a great way to show how much you appreciate teachers. Give time to help the teachers, volunteer for classroom work, cleaning, or any help.
I used to ask my kid’s teacher what I can do to help. And when my kid was in kindergarten, I volunteered to assist at school during their computer class to help them log in/out or navigate the screen.
9. Thank-You Cards
A handwritten note or card will never lose its charm. In fact, in this modern era, it’s much more valued! Have your kid write a note for his/her teacher on a piece of paper or cardboard.
And you can do that, too! I admire parents who walk the talk and show their kids a great example.

10. Utilize Your and Your Kid’s Talent
Record your kid singing or dancing or playing an instrument for the teacher. Or have your kid draw a poster or write a poem or an essay and dedicate it to his/her teacher. These are the types of gifts that leave a mark for the years to come.
NEXT READ: The Ultimate Mother’s Day Gift Guide | 100+ Gift Ideas
11. Special Subscription
With everything now automated, I think that one of the most unique gifts you can give the teachers this Teacher Appreciation Week is a subscription to something they can really use or would love.
Amazon Prime membership is a gift that will never get old. Let the teachers try it out and avail the Free 2-day Prime shipping on every order. You can choose to give a 3-month or 12-month subscription with Free 30-day trial. It also gives them access to instant streaming of thousands of movies and TV shows and has unlimited, ad-free access to over a million songs and hundreds of playlists.
Another great gift for book and textbook-lover is the Amazon Audible Membership.
Another favorite subscription I want to share is the design software, Canva. If the teachers are into designing, creating classroom modules, prints, presentations, or basically anything about designing, Canva is a great and easy tool. “Canva Pro is the design software that makes design simple, convenient, and reliable. Create what you need in no time! Jam-packed with time-saving tools that make anyone look like a professional designer.“
Or if you want to try something bolder and if you know the teachers enjoy wine, you can sign them up for Winc. To know more about Winc, here’s the post : Winc Wine Honest Review
Do you have more ideas to share? Let me know in the comment down below or you can always directly contact us.
Happy Appreciating!